
keith brown's inner circle email

Once a month I share thoughts on everything from personal growth to business in an email newsletter. I primarily write about the the three things I am most passionate about: mastering your money, getting your time back, and leaving a legacy that outlives you.

Here’s an example of what I have shared so far:

  • The post quarantine business landscape
  • How to have tough conversations at work
  • The emotional impact of change on consumer behavior
  • How economic crisis shapes new innovation

I call it the Inner Circle because I share candid thoughts in a deep and personal way, as if I was talking to a close group of friends or family. I love the responses and dialogue.

Here’s a few examples of responses I get on a regular basis:

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Thanks for the positivity Keith! I look forward to your emails each month. Love your emails. Keep them coming.

You are always such an inspiration to me!!! Thank you for including me in the Inner Circle. Can’t wait for next months newsletter.

Your email today was perfect timing! I hear this today. Your note is perfectly timed for all those people wondering about their jobs and the future.

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If you are interested in joining the Inner Circle, fill out the form below.
